To add photos, do an insert image in a free space and use image properties to make the width 300 pixels. Then move it to the cell in the table where you need it.
To add a slideshow in a cell, use Visual Slideshow. Set up the slideshow to have no thumbnails but a controller at the bottom, exactly 300x225, fade transition with no frame, and 8 second delays. Publish to ftp folder dinner-pics/pics-yymm/
Type in "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" where you want the slideshow and then go to Source and find the x's. Copy the body section in and insert "dinner-pics/pics-yymm/" in front of the URL locations for all href and src commands.
Go to Page Settings, select Advanced Settings/scripts and copy the head section. Then make the same address changes as in the body.
If you have to change anything, it's easiest to just delete the published data/engine/html from the publish folder, then redo.
Notes on where to store recipes and photos are in the Recipes page settings Description area.
To create a menu item for which there is no recipe, link to "".