Judith Paul and Tom Durden

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  We met playing bridge at the San Mateo Bridge Club and now play bad bridge after great food and wine whenever we can.  The Durden/Paul parties are always fantastic and many of these pictures were taken at various extravaganzas.

Tom and Judith are world renowned kaleidescope creators.  Their web site is at: http://www.kaleido.com/JPaul.htm



The great Lobster cook

Steph just got a great bridge hand!

One of our many feasts.

Tom & Judith's cats, Sonoma and Mimosa

Judith at her Y2K Victorian NY party

Tom as Father Xmas

Ian in Victorian tux

Easter parties require special head gear

And rabbits

Judith's first giraffe

Steph and Mr. Scrooge (Bob)

Birthday Girl!

Secret Birthday wishes

White trash party for trailer folks