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Favourite Grandson, Jason

Proud Grandpa!

Power to the babies!

A newborn

Not much older

First Birthday

Rocking horse crazy

Birthday presents!

Young Jason with GP

Cool hat

With Grandma on a river hike

With Great Grandma

Early years on the computer - already an expert!

The Sheik on Halloween

With friends looking for goodies

What a collection!

Playing a game of pick up sticks

Learning to fly a helicopter

At this age, all he wanted to do was refill the river with stones from the bank

Trying to water the basil with a watering can bigger than himself

Steph and Jason try out the new toboggan

Learning to row

Jason in Palo Alto

AT the Palo Alto shopping center

California beach games

Sailing the laser in San Mateo

Jason builds a table for Joey

Jason and Sophie

Steph and Jason in San Mateo

Jason and Steph cycling Glenmore